Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome to the Pelvic Pain Diary

Hello All, Welcome to the Pelvic Pain Diary

a blog dedicated to exploring the hell which is pelvis floor dysfunction , I have basically tried every possible solution to my pelvic floor dysfunction and I am finally finding some relief. The days of feeling as if I was sitting with a golf ball stuck inside me are slowly starting to fade and I am finally beginning to experience what a relaxed and happy pelvic floor feels like.

 Most people believe that pelvic floor pain is a female only issue most commonly brought on after childbirth but I can tell you that is totally untrue. Anyone with a pelvic floor and that means everyone can suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction.

For men pelvic floor pain most commonly gets diagnosed by the doctor as Prostatis , Prostate Inflammation , Prostate Bacteria or Infection. We are given a course of antibiotics and are sent on our way but the fact is 95% of men complaining of pelvic floor issues do not have anything remotely wrong with their prostate (source coming soon) and when proper fluid tests are carried out very rarely are infections found.

So if its not the prostate causing our pelvic floor issues, what is it?  Basically its down to 2 things, A Muscular disorder and Bad Habits. It may sound a bit ridiculous that a simple case of poor posture or excessive sitting with poor posture can cause such chaos in your life but for me this has been exactly the case as years of sitting like a caveman have finally caught up to me and have started to takes it toll on my life. It's time to make a change and I hope to help many other men find some relief and heal their pelvic floor dysfunction.

Just a few of the things I have used with mixed results to try and heal my Pelvic pain and dysfunction are

  • Internal and External Massage (Levator Ani massage)
  • Posture Correction to realign Pelvic floor
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy
  • Warm Baths (Sitz) and Exercise
  • Accupuntue and Electro -acupuncture
  • Stetches and Exercises
  • Biofeedback Devices (Peritone)
 Some Common causes of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Childbirth
  • Weightlifting
  • Bad Habits
  • In rare cases Prostate issues
  •  Poor Posture
  • Muscular imbalance

1 comment:

  1. I think the things you covered through the post are quiet impressive, good job and great efforts. I found it very interesting and enjoyed reading all of it...keep it up, lovely job.. Sierrasil Calgary
